To be honest, “Only girls are in jazz” is the best comedy I've ever seen. I don’t like to hurl loud statements, so I had to think about my verdict. Billy Wilder and his associates managed to make an eternal film that should adorn the collection of any film director.
The younger generation, perhaps, will wave her hand, ignoring all the praises of this picture. And in vain! The film looks with great interest even now, half a century later! And you can revise it many times, and every time you laugh to tears.
Sparkling humor of this film will be understood by everyone, even modern “okamediklabennye” people. Cinema is completely light, witty, elegant. Soviet dubbing is great! Actors are superb! Jack Lemmon's game is absolutely delighted, it is possible to watch him only by opening his mouth in amazement! Noting the role of Marilyn Monroe, it is impossible not to say that her sexuality in the film is by no means vulgar, but on the contrary - childishly innocent. I think, in many respects, due to this peculiarity, she is recognized as a global sex symbol. However, the film, of course, balances on the verge of what is permitted, but very skillfully. So skillfully that it can be recommended for family viewing.
In addition, the film is symbolic, which is not always possible to detect when you first view, and this, of course, only increases the value of the picture. For example, the episode when Daphne is subjected to harassment by Osgood in an elevator is posed extremely ingeniously: the viewer does not see what is happening in the elevator, however, the arrow above the elevator eloquently demonstrates a sharp weakening of Osgood's libido, after the whiffy male Dafna’s face. Applause for such an idea!
You can sing such films for a long time, but I want to tell you one episode that did not enter the final version of the film. I learned about this episode from the mouth of Tony Curtis (Josephine), who once commented on this film. The episode is as follows:
When the "party" begins in the train car, Darling and Josephine go to the toilet. There Darling complains to Josephine that her regiment is located next to Binstock's regiment, and he snores heavily, making it difficult for her to sleep. Josephine invites her to switch places and Darling agrees. Thus, Darling occupies the regiment of Josephine, and Josephine occupies the regiment of Darling. After that, Daphne on tiptoe sneaks to the shelf Dushechki, not knowing that there is not she, but Joe. Daphne in the dark climbs the stairs, opens the canopy, steps over Joe, thinking that it is Darling and says: “Remember, I wanted to reveal to you the secret? So here is my secret: I am a man! ”. Joe wakes up and says: "I'm hitting you right now!" And Daphne replies: "You do not hit the girl !?".
In my opinion, most amusing! But, personally, I trust the creators' professionalism; since they thought it necessary to remove this moment, it means that, indeed, it is better.
In the end, it remains only to envy those who have to see this masterpiece for the first time!
10 out of 10
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