Frankly, "Space Odyssey" presented to me something quite different from what I was expecting. The films of the 60s, which I adore so much, are noteworthy for the most part by the rich color gamut, the simplicity of the plot and, most importantly, the positive, which today seems somehow unnatural. The theme of space, the conquest of other planets and aliens precisely at that decade reached its peak, however, as the "Space Odyssey" shows, already in 1968 the tendency to shoot more gloomily and believably began.
Not least the “Space Odyssey” has gained popularity due to its impressive visual effects, which still look surprisingly natural. The feeling is that Stanley Kubrick was making his film in real space, and not using miniature scenery. No computer graphics, and the ships and the vacuum as if real! No less impressive are the glimpses of technologies, whose arrival was expected in the third millennium, including video calls. Finally, do not deprive of attention and the very beginning of the film, which show our distant ancestors. Primitive primates look literally alive, which is also good.
Speaking of acting, it is worth noting that there are no strong characters in the film, but this is probably due to the ideas of those years about the unemotional people of the future. One way or another, but to blame someone for underplaying is also impossible. No matter how strange it may sound, but in the center of the plot are not people, but ... the cosmos itself. He is huge, mysterious, and so incomprehensible ...
All of the above, it would seem, should only please, but there is a kind of dark side in "Space Odyssey". The visual effects with which the film is saturated give it such authenticity that it even scares. When viewing many times you ask yourself a question - could it have been possible to shoot this in 1968? But this is not the most important. What really evokes the feeling of something ominous is avant-garde music, which sounds three times in the film and consists of a continuous howl of howls. What is curious is that the same music will later sound in “Godzilla” (2014), but if there it contributes to strengthening the usual intense waiting, then in “Space Odyssey” it touches all the thin threads of the viewer's consciousness. The flight of Bowman around Jupiter can drive the unprepared viewer mad, as unusual as it is. The final is the main highlight of the film and the merit of Stanley Kubrick. What happened to Bowman? What did the director hint at? These questions are provided to allow the viewer, but for this it is not enough just to be quick-witted.
Surprisingly, the “Space Odyssey” was shot not in the USSR or in Japan, but in sober-minded America. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that Stanley Kubrick released the most outstanding (in relation to his philosophy) film in the history of cinema.
9 out of 10
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