четверг, 18 января 2018 г.

«A picture with a smile — and perhaps, a tear…"

The movie of Charles Chaplin, which can not be reshooted. The cinema of that time, which, probably, from all the cinematography - the most alive, present and "future" ...

I do not know if it's possible to call him the best movie. I do not even know which Chaplin cinema is best. Probably because he has one ... Cinema alive, present and "future" ...

Honestly, I can not understand why - maybe because it was the very beginning and now everything has gone too far, or because then there was not that other time - other people - but there is a fear that such a movie will cease to exist . In the extreme case, such a movie will simply stop shooting and releasing. Or, if it's more common to punch ... Yes, I do not even know if there are people for whom such a movie means anything at all ...

And now let the wind of changes and the train in which we are driving are blazing with fire, I want to hope that these 50 minutes will make someone feel, laugh and experience what they can not do ...

All that good modern cinema that we watch and love has long ago experienced those times when the cinema was even better ... And let the fact that "The Kid" was at the box office with incredible success "will give rise to arguments and arguments for those in any I saw this wonderful movie ...

And if we talk about the evaluation, which this film (yes, as well as other films of the director), it is senseless to give - symbolically I will estimate 9 points out of 10.

As you know, the "finished film included less than 2% of the footage," which is why this 1 point symbolizes what could be ...

Watch a good movie ...


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