The film begins its story with the death of Mahatma Gandhi in a meeting with people, where he was shot by one of his opponents. After the death scene, the audience is returned to 1983, the year the beginning of the journey of Mahatma Gandhi as a great political and spiritual leader until January 30, 1984, that very day of the murder. The tone of the story in the film accurately, convincingly and fascinatingly tells about this really amazing person. The authors expressive scenes, one of them is very brutal and cruel, lead us along the life path of the "great soul". Mohandas (real name) Gandhi as a character in the film is represented by an ordinary person, who he really was, who sometimes doubts himself, sometimes sadness, sometimes as a child enjoys life, and it is more interesting to watch how he becomes important in life every citizen of India for his resilience, modesty and courage.
Ben Kingsley plays the role of Gandhi, conveying his quiet and calm determination before the danger throughout the film. The performance of the British actor is convincing, without any extra heightened emotionality or pompous theatricality. He is as always very calm and restrained in emotions, but he utters words with the moral strength of his character and behaves very naturally in the frame.
The "spirit" of time, like the "spirit" of Mahatma Gandhi, is reproduced in the film emotionally, with love and inspiration to the plot. The atmosphere of those times in India is transmitted very well. The characters around Gandhi, his friends, comrades and opponents are direct, and some of them are also played by outstanding artists. The relationship between Mahatma Gandhi and his wife is very idealistic, as some viewers point out and say that in real life the Indian leader was not like that. I would not judge the film for it because the most important thing is that the film makes it clear that his wife was true to him and was ready to go with him where he would say. Of course, for some viewers there will be a place for negative criticism. It can be said that “the film does not reveal the essence of the teachings of Gandhi” (and this would not be enough for a ten-hour film) and that the tape is somewhat sketchy as a biopic (for me personally, and like for many, this is not so important, since Kingsley’s really strong performance and a very well-written script with touching dialogues and narration of events without undue elevation leave this flaw in the shadow)
I believe that for many people, Mahatma Gandhi remains a poorly understood historical figure. Everyone has heard that he was a great Indian leader, not knowing the reasons for such fame of this person. Unfortunately, in our schools the history of this person does not go through, which in fact once again shows how large gaps are left in the educational process of children by our state. Our ignorance of Eastern history and culture has led to the fact that we are not familiar with the history of the movement that liberated India, in one of the biggest political and economic victories of all time, achieved through non-violent principles. What is important in this film is not that it serves as a lesson in history (this is one of the merits of the film as well), but also that it reminds us of the strength of the human spirit, the ability of each of us to defend our rights, human rights.
The film over the years, is still one of the best biographical films that everyone should see. By right it is.
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