Before writing this review, I carefully read reviews from other viewers. And he was amazed at one fact - almost everyone perceives this film exclusively as a comedy, without noticing without exaggeration the ominous role of Margarita in the brilliant performance of Inna Ulyanova.
This is no longer a comedy, this is a tragedy where animal, zoological egoism is shown under the guise of altruism and care. Get your own at any cost, break a man on the knee, pry him with meat from the environment where he wants to stay - isn't it familiar to many of us?
Margarita subjugates everything to her will - and her energy is such that not only weak-willed writers, but also former front-line soldiers are taken prisoner.
And have you really not noticed the phrase of the old man, uttered twice: “Oh, and you were a good engraver!” Did you understand what it means? Next to Margarita, people begin to disappear and lose themselves. And the same Savva Ignatich disappears as a professional, he can only sharpen knives at home. Next to Margarita, everything becomes just appendages, only a means of its well-being ...
Oh, no, it's not just a comedy. Too often, triumphant egoism lives under the mask of virtue. This is what they show in close-up in the film - but most reviewers are touched by the atmosphere of the “50s”, which, in fact, is not a matter of principle within the framework of the director's task.
“Become your own biographer!” - you didn’t pay attention to this phrase either? The figure of Kostik is a figure, not afraid of this word, Angel, who comes to help in a difficult moment when a person is ready to lose himself. After all, Kostik is satisfied with the escape of the main character. And yes - just the hapless writer I call the main character of the film. He is weak, but stubbornly, floundering in the quagmire, trying to get ashore to go on. It is he who can do it in the end ...
The film “Pokrovskie Vorota” is a film about the need to save yourself as a person, personality, and personality. Have you ever paid attention, how does Savva Ignatich change by the end of the film? How are his shoulders lowered, his head pushes, barely hear a voice? But this was a prominent man, a hero!
Remember the movie - to whom we do not sympathize while watching? Who does not cause us to accept? Who we do not want to empathize?
And remembering this, try to see the other characters and their roles.
Perhaps only after that you will see the most important task of the film behind the facade of an ordinary household comedy.
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